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Minecraft: ZeusAtHCF
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Upon joining HistoriaPvP, all players must agree to the following:


It is the responsibility of the player to be knowledgeable of the rules and to stay updated if the rules are changed.

If any rule is broken, that player or offending party will be punished. The punishment is under the discretion of the Staff Guide that only Staff Members have access to.

Screenshare Verified Staff reserve the right to screenshare at any time, for any reason. Refusal to screenshare, no matter the excuse, will result in punishment of the player refusing to screenshare.

If you are unsure about any rules or information stated below, please reach out to a Staff Member or create a support ticket in our Discord.


Note: Management reserves the right to edit or change these rules at any time. All rule changes will be announced to the public at the time of the edit. In extreme cases, management reserves the right to change rules after the action has been done to protect the network, it’s players, and it’s staff members.




If you are found in violation of any of the following chat rules, you will receive a punishment

by a Member of Staff.


  • Bigotry & Hate Speech
  • Advertising
  • Malicious Threats
  • Death Threats
  • Chat Spam
  • Spam Botting
  • Suspicious/inappropriate links
  • Player/Staff Impersonation
  • Staff Disrespect
  • Server Disrespect
  • Excessive Toxicity towards others
  • IRL Trading
  • Misuse of /report & /helpop



If you are found in violation of any of the following gameplay rules, you will receive a punishment

by a Member of Staff.


  • Unfair Advantage (Hacked Clients, Blacklisted Modifications)
  • Buycraft scamming
  • Refusal to Screenshare
  • Botting/Scripting/Automated Work etc.
  • Use of an Autoclicker/Macro/Modified Mouse

You are only allowed to use an Autoclicker/Macro/Modified Mouse if you have the Carpal tunnel syndrome or similar/other health issues. Proof must be provided via Discord webcam sharing. Even in such case, your Autoclicker/Macro/Modified Mouse should not exceed 11 CPS (Clicks Per Second)

  • Mute Evasion & Ban Evasion
  • Teaming in PvP or any other possible way with other players/factions
  • Rotating players not included in your /f roster
  • Freezing MC
  • Griefing 
  • Insiding
  • Spam creating factions
  • Exploiting Bugs
  • Lying to Staff
  • Associating with Cheaters
  • Boosting for kills
  • Having forbidden words in items/factions
  • Having an objectionable Minecraft Username and/or Skin
  • Abusing your PvP/SOTW Timer
  • DTR Evasion/Boosting
  • Block Glitching/Pearl Glitching or any other form of glitching
  • Logging out whilst frozen
  • Holding players hostage
  • Kick & Killing
  • Illegal Traps

Illegal traps include but are not limited to:

  1. Suffocation Traps
  2. Upsign or Downsign signs leading to death (via suffocation, fall, or other ways where a player does not die to another directly)
  3. Having more than 3 dropdowns
  4. Using blocks that you cannot be hit through such as fencegates to obstruct players

If you have further suggestions for rules, or believe any existing content should be modified, please feel free to create a suggestion on Discord.

Alternatively you can contact @ZeusAtHCF on the Forums or Discord.






Media Application Format.

Please follow when submitting a Media Application.




Which position are you applying for? [Famous/YouTuber]:

Link to your Youtube Channel:

Do you have the ability to upload the amount of videos that are requested

& equivelant to the Rank you're applying for? [Yes/No]: 


Staff Application Format 

Please follow when submitting a Staff application.






Do you have a decent/good microphone? [Yes/No]:

Do you have the ability to record videos? [Yes/No]:

Past Staffing Experience:

Why do you want to become a Staff Member:

Why should we choose you over other applicants:

Is there anything else we should know:



Welcome to the HistoriaPvP Network Position Requirements. Thank you for taking interest to apply for either a Staff or Media Position on our Network. Below is a list with all the requirements. If you believe you're a good fit for either the Staff or Media teams make sure to submit your application in the appropriate forum and we will talk with you soon!


YouTube Rank

100 Subscribers.

250+ Views per Video minimum. 

A minimum of 4 videos per month uploaded on the HistoriaPvP Network if accepted.


Famous Rank

250 Subscribers.

500+ Views per Video minimum.

A minimum of 3 videos per month uploaded on the HistoriaPvP Network if accepted.


Staff Requirements

1. 16 Years of age minimum.

2. Working microphone of decent/good quality is necessary.

3. Ability to record videos/decent computer.

4. Previous Staffing Experience on minimum 2 Networks.

5. Ability to be able to follow & execute the rules of the Network 

properly and at all times. 

6. Positive/Fun character.

7. Avoids unecessary drama.

8. Maturity & proffesionalism are always required.