Welcome to the HistoriaPvP Network Position Requirements. Thank you for taking interest to apply for either a Staff or Media Position on our Network. Below is a list with all the requirements. If you believe you're a good fit for either the Staff or Media teams make sure to submit your application in the appropriate forum and we will talk with you soon!
YouTube Rank
100 Subscribers.
250+ Views per Video minimum.
A minimum of 4 videos per month uploaded on the HistoriaPvP Network if accepted.
Famous Rank
250 Subscribers.
500+ Views per Video minimum.
A minimum of 3 videos per month uploaded on the HistoriaPvP Network if accepted.
Staff Requirements
1. 16 Years of age minimum.
2. Working microphone of decent/good quality is necessary.
3. Ability to record videos/decent computer.
4. Previous Staffing Experience on minimum 2 Networks.
5. Ability to be able to follow & execute the rules of the Network
properly and at all times.
6. Positive/Fun character.
7. Avoids unecessary drama.
8. Maturity & proffesionalism are always required.
Last edited: 7 hours ago